ACU Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education, in conjunction with University College London, Federation University, Macquarie University and participating schools, present this free two-day Symposium for teachers, teacher educators, researchers, and English and Digital Technology curriculum personnel.
The Symposium draws on cutting-edge research and teaching expertise from the ARC-funded Coding Animated Narratives (CAN) project using ‘Scratch’ to create short animated micro-narratives.
Presentations by teachers and researchers will include background information and practical examples of classroom work with upper primary and junior secondary students on coding and multimodal authoring.
Wednesday 18th October 2023
10.00 Opening/Introduction Teaching digital multimodal authoring: Why? Why coding? And why with ‘Scratch’? (Professor Len Unsworth)
11.00 Coding and Creativity in an English Language Arts Curriculum for the 21st Century (Professor Andrew Burn)
12.15 LUNCH
01.30 Coding with(from) ‘Scratch’: An Introduction for English Teachers (Karen Woo)
02.15 The ‘Coding Movement’: Perspectives and arguments for coding across the curriculum (Professor Garry Falloon)
03.30 Media and identity: Integrating coding animated narratives in the year seven English curriculum (Amy Austin and Kate Jun)
04.15 Advancing digital literacy in years 5 and 6 English: Coding and multimodal authoring pedagogy (Tim Sillato)
05.00 Close
Thursday 19th October 2023
09.30 The Kineikonic Mode: Digital Multimodal Narrative Authoring (Professor Andrew Burn)
10.30 Mapping Animated Narrative Authoring Dimensions – A framework for analysing/evaluating student’s coded animated narratives (Professor Len Unsworth)
11.30 Developing computer science concepts through coding animated narratives (Karen Woo and Professor Garry Falloon)
12.15 Thinking like a coder: analogies and structured design for animated narratives (Dr Paul Chandler)
01.00 LUNCH
02.00 Coding across the curriculum: What’s happening around the world (Professor Kathy Mills and Dr Jen Cope)
03.00 Starting from scratch with ‘Scratch’: Learning to code animated micro-narratives in a year six classroom (Lauryn Sharp)
03.45 Cross curricular collaboration in English and Digital Technology: Exploring coding and creating animated stories with ‘Scratch’ (Jess McEwan and Frances and Frances Na)
04.30 Close
There is NO REGISTRATION FEE but places are limited and you need to register by September 29th 2023