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The project seeks to develop new teaching pedagogies for students to code animated narratives, integrating previously separated capabilities of multimodal authoring and computational thinking. The study involves primary and secondary schools in Sydney and Melbourne. A total of about eight schools and 300 students participate over the four years of the project.


The Coding Animated Narratives (CAN) project prepares students for the emerging communication world where multimodal authoring, coding, and computational thinking will no longer be optional, but requisite in workplaces, education, and cultural life in a digital knowledge economy.


Professor Len Unsworth leads this Australian Research Council (ARC) funded Discovery Project. Together with researchers from ILSTE at ACU, Macquarie University and the University of London, they will advance a robust theory and evidence base, teaching exemplars and curriculum progressions to inform the teaching of coding as core to school curricula.

ARC Discovery Project

This Discovery Project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Projects funding scheme (DP190100228). The views expressed herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Australian Government or Australian Research Council.


The Coding Animated Narratives (CAN) project is conducted in collaboration with

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